
Tarponville has quality guides that are trained and experienced on the local fishery to enhance every aspect of your day. All of our guides are family to us here at Tarponville and we believe this will stand out in the way that they all work together to get you into fish and home safely. All of our guides are English speaking, punctual and informative on the local fishery. 

Tarponville's guides work on a rotating schedule. You will be fishing with the same guide for your entire stay. If you have a preference, let us know and we will do our best to get you out with your pick.


Boat name: "The Lion" 
Boat size: 23ft panga 
Years guiding for tarponville: 8 
Home town: Manzanillo 
Favorite part of tarpon fishing: "Hooking the fish, any fisherman can relate". 
Biggest tarpon to boat: 200+ lbs 

When not tarpon fishing: Playing soccer, diving, trolling in the afternoon for jack, king fish, barracuda, snapper fishing and snorkel tours


Boat name: Antolina (after his mother) 
Boat size: 23' panga 
Years guiding for Tarponville: 3 years 
Home town: Mazanillo 
Favorite part of tarpon fishing: Being on the water. "I like getting my hands on the BIG FISH". 
Biggest tarpon to boat: 165 lbs. 

When not tarpon fishing: Works full time at Tarponville in the off season.


Boat name: "Dalmin Boat size: 23ft 
Years guiding for tarponville: 4 years 
Home town: Manzanillo 
Favorite part of tarpon fishing: "Hearing the clients screem with excitment". 
Biggest tarpon to boat: 200+ lbs 

When not tarpon fishing: Dalmin dives with his father Mushe for lobster and hand line for snapper which they provide to the local restaurants of Manzanillo.


Boat name: Digger 
Boat size: 24ft panga 
Years guiding for Tarponville: 13 years 
Home town: Manzanillo
Favorite part of tarpon fishing: Being on the water. "Being on the ocean!!" 
Biggest tarpon to boat: 200+lbs. 

When not tarpon fishing: Cashing the girls and Salsa dancing.

Delroy – "Deli"

Boat name: "The Root" 
Boat size: 26ft super panga 
Years guiding for tarponville: 12 years 
Home town: Manzanillo 
Favorite part of tarpon fishing: "Watching the tarpon get hooked and make that first jump. The look on the clients face is the best." 
Biggest tarpon to boat: 150 lbs. 

When not tarpon fishing: Playing soccer, dolphin tours, snorkel tours, fishing.


Boat name: "Sexy Donna" 
Boat size: 24ft panga 
Years guiding for tarponville: 11 years 
Home town: Manzanillo 
Favorite part of tarpon fishing: "Living through the reaction when clients catch their first Costa Rica tarpon, they really are the strongest tarpon around." 
Biggest tarpon to boat: 150+ lbs 

When not tarpon fishing: Playing soccer, diving, snorkeling tours, snapper fishing


Boat name: "Big Bamboo" 
Boat size: 24' panga 
Years guiding for tarponville: 8 years 
Home town: Manzanillo Favorite part of tarpon fishing: "The best part is when the client catches the tarpon, I live through there excitement, it gives me such a good feeling." 
Biggest tarpon to boat: 200 lbs 

When not tarpon fishing: Playing soccer and hang out with friends